The glorious weather finally broke today, and we had our first Kansas thunderstorm. Brother in law Matt and I were just heading out for a ride when the first drops began to fall. Good thing we turned around because the skies positively opened up moments later. We would have been drowned or zapped or both had we ignored the weather. It worked out perfectly though since we had planned to take a trip to the Miniature and Toy Museum.
This is a museum dedicated to toys, models, and other tiny things. It was fantastic! Of particular interest were the vintage GI Joes of my childhood, architectural models, marble mazes, and what has to be one of the most complete Pez dispenser collections on the planet. American Choppers Pez dispensers? Really? Really. I shot a few pics of Metropolitan Kansas City with the new Canon G10. Check 'em out!

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that we got to go to a KC Royals game on Tuesday night. The stadium was so civilized. It kind of surprised me. Highlights included nearly catching a foul ball and being ushered off the opposing team's bus (which I mistook for our bus). My favorite photo of the evening is two of KC's finest gazing into the glowing maw of the stadium.

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