Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Flexibility, Faith, and Cheeseburgers (by Lawrence)

"My manta kanki?" Krista and the girls with a campesina and her alpacita.

The party never stops!

Our life in Cusco continues to change moment to moment. I think we all feel a bit like a rock bouncing down a hill. Sometimes we are launched into the air and can see opportunities that were not apparent before, sometimes we are sent in new directions, and sometimes we are stopped in our tracks until something comes and gives us another push.

We marched around our new soon-to-be neighborhood in search of a wonderful preschool we had been told about. Sadly, the school has moved 15 minutes away, so the dream of Sophia having something fun to do around the corner evaporated. However, we had been in contact with the highly recommended bilingual school, La Escuela Ausangate, even further from the center of town. They called our cell phone while we stood outside the gate of what used to be the preschool around the corner. They originally told me they had space for Isabel but none for Sophia. As it turns out they misunderstood Sophia's age and did indeed have space for both girls and invited us to tour the school in the afternoon. We killed a little time walking around the neighborhood with our mouths hanging open. The colonial and precolonial architecture and stonework is breathtaking. We ended up at the playground of a derelict school where Krista and I demonstrated a seesaw for the girls and Sophia and Isabel got to swing on real swings for the first time in weeks.

Descending from this high point we landed at the city's most famous gringo eatery, Jack's Cafe. The food was really good and reminded everyone of home. We realized that we had found the cure for any food homesickness and vowed to come eat at Jack's at least once a month, or more often as needed...

We spent a long time at the school and all liked it a lot. Both girls are going to give it a try tomorrow and see how it feels. Sophia is positively ecstatic about going to school with Isabel. Krista got them both to bed early and started to put together their backpacks for tomorrow. If they end up going to Ausangate I will probably be looking for some work. One of the directors of the school is a great resource and led me to believe I could easily find a job teaching English if I so desire.

So, homeschool schmomeschool perhaps. We'll have to see how it goes tomorrow.

Enjoy the photos of the ubiquitous parades of Cusco and my gorgeous girls with two new friends.

1 comment:

  1. I must have that hat on the lady with the alpaca. Dont come home without it you guys!!! Peter wants the alpaca. Keep the updates coming...everyone looks great. Hope school was wonderful. Give everyone big kisses and hugs from us
